Tuesday, August 13, 2013

An Obedient Heart

It's funny how we all have that pet that you'll never forget. One that has grown up with us in more ways than one. That has given us entertainment and companionship beyond measure. Testing our patience and tugging at our heart strings, all in the same moment.

Trust me, there are life lessons to be learned from our furry friends.

Cue "Layla girl".

This beautiful pup right here has taught me so much in these last two years. So much that I felt it near impossible to narrow down 5 key things that she has shared with me, to ultimately change my heart, for the better. 

Here goes Layla. I hope I do you justice with this post:

 1. Give everyone you meet a warm welcome. 
Layla is always there to greet me on the edge of the couch with the slobberiest of greetings. She makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world and devotes all her attention and affection towards me from the moment I step foot through the front door. 
How different life would be if everyone greeted one another just as dogs do us. 
In a non-slobbery way of course..

 2. Forgive and immediately forget. 
I get so upset when she uses the bathroom in the house or tears up the new toy I just bought her the day before from Petco. I'll raise my voice, look her straight in the eye and say "that was very bad, Layla. Bad girl." 
Her ears tuck back, eyes grow slightly larger in size and a tear will well up in the corner of one of them. She knows she's been bad and that time out is inevitable. But once that kennel door opens up five minutes later, she breaks free and is like a whole new pup.

Holding a grudge against someone will not make whatever happened go away. Take it from Layla, just ask for forgiveness or forgive, and immediately forget. Life's a lot easier when you don't carry those burdens around with you.

 3. Be loyal. 
Layla is loyal with a capital "L". After my wreck she never left my side. She has been my constant companion and loving to the core. That is exactly how we ought to be to everyone. We need to wear name tags that say 
"Hi, I'm _____, and I'm true to my word, faithful and dependable." 
And mean it.

4. Live life to the fullest. 
Just watch or imagine your pet as they go through the day. Layla acts like every scent is totally new and exciting, every visitor might as well be the President, and every morsel is the most delicious thing she's ever eaten. 
That's how we should live our lives. If you feel like every day is the same old thing, start changing up your routine and find a new way of doing things.

5. Have an Obedient Heart. 
Layla learned the basic tricks as a little squirt growing up. She makes me so proud when she sits and shakes my hand for a "treat-treat". She follows my commands not just when I have bacon in my hand, but purely out of instinct. Out of obedience for her master. I can see it in her eyes how desperately she wants to make me proud.

This is the big one folks, Layla has taught me the joy of having an obedient heart. Our Father wants more than anything to have our hearts completely, and for us to be obedient to His will. 

John 14:23 "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them."

I'm so uplifted by these words!! Our Lord will fill our hearts to overflowing if we just follow Him, listen to His voice (not with our ears, but with our hearts) and OBEY.

Father, forgive us for not being obedient and not listening to Your call. We get so overwhelmed with the things going on around us that we forget to live for each day, like the furry companions You have created for us. Thank you Lord for these daily reminders to have an obedient heart and love others as You love us. -Amen

This week seek an obedient heart. 
Give the Lord this opportunity to make a home in your heart, TODAY!

Until next time :)


  1. Beautiful post. They teach us so many things, but you've captured the most important ones so well! Loving your posts! Keep them coming, girl! Hope to see you soon.

  2. Love this so, so much. I'm really working on having an obedient heart in ALL situations and this is so encouraging to me!!


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