Friday, October 11, 2013

Do for 1 What You Wish You Could Do for 100

"Who You Become is Determined by How You PRAY."-Circle Maker

So I need to take back the words I said in an earlier post... Now I wasn't telling a story when I said "Life is HECTIC" but I had no idea how non-hectic my life was, compared to TODAY! 

Ever feel like your To-Do List keeps growing faster than you can check things off the list?

BAMM.. That's where I am today.

Boy, I had NO IDEA how many details there are to pulling off a wedding!

In the midst of feeling overwhelmed, I've become so extremely grateful for my family and the company of good friends who remind me of the importance of this union. It's not about the flower arrangements, the color scheme, or the weather that day...

September 20th, 2014 - (Yeah that's right.. WE SET THE DATE!) is about only one thing. Proclaiming the love of God to everyone we know, by promising with all our hearts: to care and support one another till the end of our days... To love one another selflessly, lifting the other up to stay strong in our faith.

Gosh, I'm so overwhelmed (in an VERY good way!) by just HOW GOOD God is... That He would make someone so wonderful, for someone like me.

I'm reading several books simultaneously right now, on top of the mountain of other things going on, that are helping me build a more solid foundation as I prepare my heart for this next year:

1. "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas 

This book is centered around this one question : "What if God designed Marriage to make us Holy more than to make us Happy?" Sometimes we get swept up in the whole "Romantical" part of being married that we get a blurred depiction of the real reason God gave us marriage.. I'm only two chapters in, but I can already this book is going to be GOOD!

2. "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson

This book is helping me to understand the importance of intentional prayer. I started this post off with just one of the MANY awesome quotes from this book.. "Who You Become is Determined by How You Pray." 

What a convicting message! 

How do you pray? I know personally I kind of use the sandwich system when praying.. 

I say thanks for things going on in my life right now, I talk with God about my concerns, I pray for Jordan and then I sandwich the whole thing by saying either "I love you Lord & help me do what you want me to do today" or "help me get some rest and get ready for what's in store for tomorrow". 

While there really isn't anything wrong with this prayer style, its not INTENTIONAL... I'm not being BOLD with my prayers. 

Another awesome quote from this book:

"Bold prayers Honor God, and God Honors BOLD prayers."

There is nothing God loves more than keeping promises, answering prayers, performing miracles and fulfilling DREAMS.

God is for you, not against you. Let me say that again.. 
God is FOR YOU, NOT against You!

Let's plan on working on two things next week:

1. Share with God your Thanksgivings AND your Biggest Dreams. 

Tell Him your heart's desires and ASK for them to come about..not for your glory but for His. That you can turn around and share that Good News with others, "Hey look what's happening in my life! I asked God for this to come about and He DID IT!" 

2. Define the Foundation on which You are Building Your Relationships.

Are you making the most of the time with you friends and family? Are you telling those you love just HOW MUCH you love them, and as often as you can? Guys, life is short and there isn't time to lose. Set aside the To-Do Lists and pick up the phone and tell someone that you might not have told in awhile how much you appreciate them in your life. Get in your car and drive to meet a loved one that you may have lost connection with for whatever reason and tell them how much they mean to you.. that you're ready to break down the barrier and start something new.

I know that I've not been so intentional these past few years with my time with friends and loved ones. I've let life and all the hectic-ness that comes with it get in the way. I'm making that a personal goal to not let the stresses of life, wedding planning, To-Do lists get in the way of telling someone on a daily basis how much I need them in my life, how much I want them in my life, how much I love them.

How uplifted would our spirits be if we just took those couple of minutes every day to send that message of love and support to someone else? And think about the impact it would make on their life as well.

Christ showed us the greatest example of love the world has ever known by enduring the cross. He laid down His life for the sake of all. 

This quote has really impacted me this week and might be something good to remember and keep on your heart:

"Do for 1, what you wish you could do for 100." 
That number may be 100, or 1000, or one million..

Make a difference in one life what you wish you could do for so many!

Father, Help us to be intentional with our time in this life. Help us to not take for granted the time we have to share love with friends, family and even strangers. It is through love that we can truly become closer to You because we know Father, that You ARE Love. Thank you for our many blessings and help us to not be fearful of sharing our hearts desires and biggest dreams with You. We sometimes forget just how mighty You are Lord, and how so desperately You want a relationship with us. Let us be BOLD with our prayers and the relationships we have here on Earth. We love you Lord. -Amen

Start praying BOLD prayers and keep on doing good, friends.

Until next time,
#futuremrsbell :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

We Are Sponsoring A Child!!!

"He said Freely, Freely, You Have Received. Freely, Freely Give.. Go in Thy Name and Because you Believe, Others Will Know That I LIVE!" 
-Lyrics from "Freely, Freely"

First order of business. HAPPY FRIDAY!! I don't know about y'all, but I get even more excited about the weekends after working a full week. 

Knowing that I have some hours of free time to be with my man AND being able to work on all things WEDDING gets this girl excited :)

Second order of business. I've got the MOST exciting new to tell you..

Jordan and I want to introduce you to the PRECIOUS new addition to our lives. I've been praying about this for some time now. Back in my unemployment days, I made a pack with God..

 'If you supply with me a job and the monetary means, I will take any extra funds I have to give back for Your glory.'

He supplied and I haven't forgotten.

Meet UDESH! 

He is our precious baby from Sri Lanka that we have decided to support and love on through World Vision.. an INCREDIBLE organization that internationally helps children in need and the communities that they live in!

We honestly can't wait to see how God is going to move between the two of us.

Just like the song I mentioned earlier.. We have been given the ULTIMATE gift of eternal life for FREE. Our Father only asks that we ACCEPT Jesus as our Lord and Savior, allowing Him to come into our hearts...making us die of our old sinful ways.. And become new in Him! Then GIVE that same blessing to someone else.

Luke 6:38 NLT "Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full [...] The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."

I don't know about you, but that verse sent me into conviction overload. 
I honestly can't even remember the last time I genuinely gave back to another human being without asking anything in return. 

What better time than now to shake off my self-centered ways?! 

I mean, after next year I'm no longer going to be just Anna Ellingburg. I'm going to join with Jordan in one of the most beautiful gifts God gives to His children. 

Two sinners, dying to themselves to become ONE.

Nope.. no room for selfish, self-centeredness there. 

GOSH, I've got chill bumps just thinking about it!!!! YAYY!!!

Jordan and I spent some time looking through all the precious children (and by "all" I mean there are A LOT of babies needing love) that the LifeWay Christian Bookstore had available at the counter, but this little guy stood out to us. 

He immediately tugged at our heart strings.. 
You might even say it was "love at first sight"!

Udesh is 1 years old right now... But you can see we don't have too long to go before we get to celebrate his 2nd birthday with him! He doesn't have any brothers or sisters, and like I was saying earlier, lives in Sri Lanka. 

Still not sure exactly where he lives in Sri Lanka yet, but we'll be getting a FULL Welcome Kit in the mail very soon learning more about our little boy!

The awesome thing about sponsoring a child through World Vision is that we get to interact with Udesh as much as we want.. letters, pictures, lightweight gifts.. we can do it all!! We just give the gift of $35 dollars a month.. $35 dollars to help feed and support him and his community!! 

Part of our money gets tied in with all the other families/people out there that are supporting a child in/near his town in Sri Lanka and the other part goes right to him!

They do everything from giving him the necessary health and hygiene support he needs, to getting him in school, to sharing the hope and joy of Jesus with him and his family!

Can you tell just how THRILLED we are?!

Can I get an Amen?! haha.

Just had to share the awesome news. Be praying for our special little one, that the Lord may help us reach out to him and give him the guidance he needs to one day understand just how much his Heavenly Father loves him.

Thank you Father for providing us with the monetary means to help this sweet sweet child. Lord, you always provide whatever we need, all in Your timing. Help us to not fall short in providing little Udesh the love and support he needs, from all the way across the world, to know You more! Continue to be with us as we get our hearts and minds ready for all the exciting changes to come in this next year and may all the glory and honor be yours! -Amen

If you feel like this might be on your heart, to help a child in need, I totally encourage you to pray about it and make sure this is a commitment you are ready for. And as always, reach out to me with any questions you may have or prayer requests..

Until next time :)
- #futuremrsbell

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Psalms 30:11-12 "You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!"

What truth is in this scripture! I CANNOT be silent!

Friends, this post is LONG overdue! SO very much has been going on in these past two weeks and I can't believe it has taken me this long to sit down and share it all with you.

The last time we talked was during my first few days of work! Gosh how things have changed..

What an exciting/scary time my first week was...

 I was overwhelmed by the fear of change, but the Lord always provides y'all. He put me in the company and comfort of good friends who gave me guidance and courage! And ironically that fear also gave me the opportunity to encourage a friend with her fears of starting a new job.

Totally God working in our lives, bringing us back together again after several years of being apart! Glory to Him!

AND THEN..... 

In the midst of all this change and nervousness of a new job... BAMM!!! 



The love of my life created this ring just for me
He took time to design the intricate details,
to choose the perfect cut diamond, to engrave his words of love on the inside..

All for ME!

I've got big ole HAPPY crocodile tears in my eyes as I'm typing this. 


If I've learned anything from this past season of walking and listening to Him, it is to TRUST wholeheartedly in His timing!!! He is such a loving Father who wants nothing more than for us to love Him and be happy! He'll give you the desires of your heart ALL IN HIS TIME.

I can't wait to spill my guts and talk ALL about the proposal.. Currently making a video of the proposal, engagement dinner and, what we called our, "Mini Moon"!! 

"Mini Moon" Definition: **He ROMANTICALLY whisked me away to a Celebration Vacation with his family to Destin! (ahhhhhh!! still screaming like a little girl...) 

Details to come ;)

Oh yeah...AND I'm creating our wedding website! So much to do!

In the mean time... Here are a few pictures until I get on the ball...


Flowers Before my Prince Charming
Picked me Up!

At Dinner with My Ring!
Posing at Jessica & Jeff's GORGEOUS wedding in Natchez, MS!
First time I was introduced as his Fiancé.. Loving the sound of that!

I'm telling you I could not quit staring at it!
Ahhh! Jordan Did Good!!

The Love of My Life!
Song of Solomon 3:4 I have found the one whom my soul loves.

Father, Thank you for this joyous time in my life! You've given me the clearest picture of how perfect your timing is Lord, and I am so thankful you made this incredible man just for me! I pray that you prepare our hearts for all the special moments to come and that You be at the very center of our union. Father, please help those who don't understand Your timing by giving them peace and understanding. Help us to be a friend to those who are hurting and love one another just as You love us! We thank you for all our many, many blessings! -Amen.

Until next time :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Little More Like Home

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For EVERYTHING there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

So after many weeks of unemployment, discouragement, frustration and so on.. I'm so happy to bring you good news that this girl... HAS A JOB!

And not just any job.. I'm working with a cutting-edge company who helps businesses successfully bring their creative vision, for a website and brand, to life through technology.

Propane Media is a digital marketing and advertising agency that started in Memphis in the 90s, helping companies to create or enhance their digital footprint.

Simply put, for my not so tech savvy friends... they help companies build websites/ mobile apps/ create facebook and google advertisements etc. to reach more people and build their organization.

And I'M working for this forward-thinking company!!!

I can't tell you how grateful I am for this opportunity, even if I had to wait for what feels like an eternity, to find it.

I believe wholeheartedly that there is truth in today's verse.. there IS a season for EVERYTHING and God has plans to work in you during each of those seasons... whether you be at the peak of the mountain or in the lowest valley.. never think for a minute that any part of your life is without purpose.

Now you must see my little "cube"as I like to call it..

No judgement on the decor please! It is, after all, only my second day of employment.

It has already started to feel "a little more like home" with just these few little touches!

I just think it needs a bit more red and blue, though..
Don't my Rebel friends agree?! Hotty Toddy!

You can learn more about Propane Media on their website and if you have a Facebook or Twitter account, please take a minute to follow us!

My responsibilities as Interactive Coordinator (that's my title y'all..ahhh!) include the upkeep of social media for the Memphis branch, we are also in Destin, FL too! (Pause while I scream like a little girl ha).. I'll also be working with new clients/agencies, being somewhat of a liaison between them and the programmers in house who create their websites, coordinating luncheons and meetings etc. etc.

I'll even be doing a little traveling between Memphis, Nashville (where a few clients are) and Destin!! HAPPY DAY!

It's my first week people so I'm still learning all this stuff. But thus far.. I'M ECSTATIC!!

But friends, I must be completely honest.
Once I laid my head down last night, I had a very real moment of fear consume me.

The realization hit me that life as I knew it... backpacks and school supplies, breaks between classes and meeting up with friends for lunch in the cafeteria, naps and pulling all-nighters, constantly on the look-out for a job...

ALL of that.. that which is comfortable, is not going be there anymore.

And the little person inside of me FREAKED.

But my better half and my jiminy cricket of a mother both told me the same thing (which obviously was God telling me) that it's ok that that season is now over. I'm moving on and growing up. But most importantly...

God will bless me in this season, just as he did in the last.

I'm putting on the armor of God today and nothing, not even fear, is going to keep me from experiencing God's richest blessings!

Father, please forgive us when we allow fear to plant roots within us. Help us to give all our anxieties to you, so that we may be able to see all the many blessings around us... Blessings that can only come from you! Thank you for being a Father who loves His children so very much! Help us put on your armor as we head to the workplace, to our classrooms, to our communities.. so that the concerns of this world won't seem as big as we sometimes make them out to be. -Amen

Until next time :)
-A, the EMPLOYED girl

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life is Spelled H-E-C-T-I-C

Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

Gosh..where has the time gone?!
I wake's Monday. I go to bed.. it's Sunday. 

Ever feel like you just can't get things to slow down? Literally it's all you can do to keep your head above water? 

We get swept up in our daily plans of this, that and the other, that we MUST get accomplished today...and we forget that this day has already been planned for us! Our Father knows the chaos, the confusion, the stress, the burdens, the fear... (the list goes on and on..) that we'll be facing today but we must remember it all comes with purpose.

So back to how incredibly sorry I am for being in such a BUSY season right now AND let's hit the highlights of these past few days and get back on the same page together!

1. My baby sister is a SENIOR y'all!! 

WHAT?!?! Give me a second while I catch my breath.. I'm having a harder time than I thought, coming to the realization that she is no longer the "baby Abby" that I called my own... 

With the juiciest baby cheeks and static hair that stood up for days..

The happy baby I pulled around in our little red wagon through the front yard, searching for daffodils.

The beautiful little girl who would melt your heart with her laughter... 

The bowl-cut beauty who the other children flocked to because of her nurturing heart... 

The painter, the cupcake maker, the first base star, the chef, the star student.. 

This girl has 

And she is GRADUATING!!
 (cue the tears...)

These are just some of the senior pictures I took of her! Isn't she just gorgeous!! So proud. Can't you tell?!

2. Abby had her 18th birthday last week.
Mom and I have been planning it for nearly two weeks prior and boy did it turn out to be exciting!! We planned a scavenger hunt for her, starting right as she got out from school, with notes leading her to all these different places around town. She got her ears pierced, got her hair and make up done, got a new outfit, the whole nine yards!!

I think it's safe to say, she was SHOCKED. 

Her biggest surprise was that she thought none of her friends were going to either be in town or get to see her after school (I called them all & told them to tell her that) and after she got home from her afternoon of surprises.. Her last surprise came in the form of all her friends piled in a truck coming up the driveway to take her to dinner!! 

Can't believe we were able to time everything right and actually pull it all off. Abby was Happy, Happy, Happy :)

Yes you heard right, after a season of complete trust in the Lord and patience like I've never experienced, I found the right job for me!! I've found a place where I can constantly put my creative juices to work, I'm always writing (which I LOVE to do) and I'm interacting with all kinds of people on a daily basis! I'm beyond excited to share the news with you and as soon as I complete my first day on the job, this coming Monday 9/16.. I promise you'll hear ALL about it!!

So I've pretty much summed up what my days have consisted of and why I've been away in three bullets. These things have consumed my time, but I've been loving every minute of it.

You don't need me to tell you, life gets hectic. 
We all have those experiences in common.

But by putting our COMPLETE trust in the Lord, from the moment we wake up, rubs our tired eyes, hit the alarm clock and put our feet on the floor, we've already started our day off right!

Memorize this verse today and write it on your heart, Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Trust in our Creator's ultimate plan and he will guide you through whatever season you're going through. I know, because He has shown that to ME!!!

A few short months ago, I felt like I had no direction, no car, no job, no money, no plan.. none of the earthly things we place so much importance on.

But it was in the moments that I felt I had nothing, I discovered that I have EVERYTHING. The Lord FILLS our cup. He GIVES US the desires of our heart. He is a LOVING, CARING Father who wants nothing more than to have a relationship with YOU.

You can try and make your own plans, but not until you give those plans over to the Lord will we ever understand fulfillment, and joy beyond measure!

Thank you Father for being a caring God who loves His children unconditionally. We ask for help, because we live in a world that pressures us to live selfishly and to place importance on earthly things, things that are not everlasting. Lord, forgive us for falling into these temptations and change our hearts to let go of things that we cannot control. Thank you for the seasons that aren't the easiest, because without them we wouldn't appreciate and know true joy! Thank you Lord for our many blessings and help us to show others your love.-Amen

Until next time :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Write It On Your Heart

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths."

I remember being in Sunday School and my teacher would have us memorize verses just like this one.

How awesome it is to come back to this same verse, (that didn't mean a whole lot to me then) and now that many seasons have passed, means more to me than I could even begin tell you!!

I just started reading the book of Proverbs and over the years I've highlighted verses here and there, but I've never gone through the entire thing... so what better time than than now to get started?!

Breaking this verse down a bit: author of Proverbs, Solomon, tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."

If you're human, you go through difficult times that cause you to doubt.
I talked a little bit about doubting in my last post.

But friends, I've been struggling with doubt myself. I'm going through a season of unemployment and, more times than not, I have been discouraged as I venture out on my own to find the right job for me. If you've ever gone through or are going through this particular season, you know all too well how easy it is to get weighed down by the weight of disappointment and rejection.

It seems like every time I turn around, another rejection email comes in...

"You've got many great qualities 
and while you would shine at any organization, 
we have decided to take a different route
...yadda yadda...
thanks for your time."

Rough stuff I tell you.

But even when the going gets rough, and the doubt starts to creep in, we have to remember to trust in the Lord. Not just a little bit.. but with all of our hearts!

Here's the part that has just hit me over the head like a ton of bricks... 

I can't do this on my own.

That's right, you heard me... I need to seek the counsel of others to get through this time. I can't rely on my own understanding to lift this weight I'm carrying around with me. I have to seek out my Christian friends and mentors for encouragement and listen to their advice.

Now be wary of what advice you take to heart. Solomon also talks about writing these commands 3:3 "deep within your heart" and listen to avoid those who speak lies and not the truth.

How can we tell the difference?

We need to dust off our Bibles and dive right into God's love story to US!!! And it's His counsel that is the most important of all! Solomon goes on to say in 2:3 "we need to cry out for insight and understanding" and 1:7 "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline."

It wasn't until I sought out the guidance of other friends who delight in the Lord's promises and heard encouragement from them and from these verses in Proverbs, that I began to feel at peace about where I am in my life.

The Lord is going to direct my path. That I know for sure because it's already predetermined. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Since before you and I were knitted together in our mother's womb, God knew that we would be in each of our current seasons and only He knows where we'll be 5 days... 5 weeks... 5 years from now.

Thank the Lord for this promise! He just asks that we give it all to Him and let Him take it from there.

Together, lets trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean on good friends that will help us live out our lives for Christ, no matter the season.

Thank you Father for knowing everything there is to know about us. Help us to truly give our fears and worries to you and never doubt in your plans for our lives. Help us to be a friend for those who need friendship and love, and also help us to go to others when we need guidance ourselves. We love you Lord and thank you for all our many blessings! -Amen.

Until next time :)