Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm in Love With a Stud

Romans 12:10  Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

Our love story started long before Jordan and I ever actually met.

And when you think about it, most love stories do start out that way. Every moment leading up to the one in which you meet your future husband or wife somehow shapes you and prepares you for that person you were fated for. Any previous heartbreaks or dark days or lonely nights can be crucially important in the grand scheme of things - sometimes we need to know what something feels like when it's wrong, before we can ever really know what RIGHT feels like.

So that's why I need to start the story with a little bit of background. Telling you the typical story, "girl meets boy, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married" is just too simple to me and dilutes the beauty of God's master plans.

So here is Chapter One of our story:

I'd just given up on love. Completely said it was for the birds and was through with guys and their ugliness. (See I told you, you do have to go through the bad apples to get to the good one!) This was around December of my freshman year of college, about a year after my high school love dropped me like a sack of potatoes when he left for college the year before me.

Fast forward to New Years Eve. My cousin and her now husband were throwing a get together at their home and I'm so thankful now that I made an appearance :)

He had long hair and was sort of a wild child, constantly cutting up and making everyone laugh.

His humour is contagious. It is never a dull moment with this man. He gets me laughing so hard my stomach hurts sometimes. He always has a way of lighting up a room with his clever jokes and witty smile.

As if the fake mustache doesn't give away his hilariousness... This was our first of many pictures to come!

So back to the party. Everyone was coupled up at the New Years Eve party, besides Jordan and myself. And when the clock struck midnight, we shared our first kiss! I've never had so many butterflies in my stomach before. I think it's funny that I can still remember that feeling from more than three years ago. And it all happened when I least expected it.

And the rest is history.. No not really, but for today it is. ha!

This boy has taught me so much over the past four years... perseverance, patience, humility, trust, etc. etc. but above all, He has given me more love and happiness than I could have ever hoped for!

                                                             So here is to many more years of love and happiness with the ones you love!

Lord, Thank you for putting people in our life that fill us up with love, happiness and encouragement. Let us always be willing to be the same for others. Forgive us when we fail to do so. -Amen

Until next time :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Practice What You Preach

I can hear her now, "Anna, you better practice what you preach talkin' to your sister that way." That's mama getting on to me for telling Abby, the younger version of me, what to do. 

If you have a younger sibling then you'll immediately know what I'm talking about. For those of you only-childers out there, play along with me.

Having once been in her shoes just a few short years ago, I find myself more often than not trying to steer Ab clear from the temptations and mistakes I found myself making at her age. Some might say that's only natural, but deep down in my heart, I feel like the Lord has been telling me, "Anna, it is better for you to be an example rather than be a mother..." which she already has (and one of the best, I might add!).  But it's just so hard when you feel like you've got the answers to prevent the heartache from coming later on down the road. Insert my sometimes stubborn and controlling personality here.

But once again, the Lord knows what He's talking about here. My way of thinking, even with the best of intentions, is just down right wrong. At any time in life, we must not ask others to do things that we ourselves wouldn't do. Sure I want Ab to be better than I ever dreamed of being, but I cannot hold her to a higher standard that what I hold for myself. It's not fair. Insert poor example here.

By stepping out of the way, like I spoke about in my last post, and letting the Lord take control of our life... can we lead by example and better follow His commands. Only then can others see Him in what we do!

Gosh, what a weight is lifted off my shoulders as I type this! I don't need to try so hard to tell Ab what she should/shouldn't be doing. Rather I should simply wake up each morning, asking the Lord to take control of my life today and let HIM work in HER life through how He uses me in that day!

How wonderful it feels when things start finally clicking together!

Grab your Bible and read a bit of Matthew 23. I want to highlight verses 3 & 4.

So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach. They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.

Let's remember these verses when we go out into the fields and harvest God's crop. Be the example to those you love by remembering to let the Lord take control.

Father, help me to lead by example. I don't want people to fall away from You because of my poor leadership. Teach me and guide me to follow the best example of all, You. Thank you for your love and willingness to take control over my life. -Amen.

Until next time :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wake Up Call

God allows different seasons in our life to happen that will literally wake us up from the lax lifestyle we find ourselves leading. 

I'm beyond blessed to be blogging with you today and so sorry several days have gone by since I've been back. The truth is, the same day I began this journey with you, I had the worst accident of my life. Even now that a few days have passed, I still find it hard to talk about it... but hey, isn't that what this blog is all about?

You know that feeling when you first open your eyes after a nights sleep? It's all blurry and you're rubbing your eyes to truly wake up and see your surroundings? That's how I've been feeling these past few months. Just idling through life might be a better description. I've found myself between semi-trying to find a job after graduation and holding on to every childhood memory while living at home. Not really submersing myself in the Word like I should.. Making excuses not to workout and eat healthier.. You get the picture.

But God opened my eyes Tuesday afternoon. Something only He could do.

I was driving down the interstate heading to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. I was near my exit so I merged into the right lane, quickly checked the time and adjusted the air, then BAM. I ran into the back of a truck traveling much slower than I anticipated, with my cruise on 70 mph. The impact sent me spinning into the median and totaled my car.

Talk about a wake up call!! Everyone, myself included, came out with minor cuts and bruises. Talk about a miracle. I tear up just thinking about it, but God was watching over my little Murano and the other cars doubt in my mind. And for that, I am forever greatful.

My tag and a couple of decals, along with two little boxes of the car essentials.. cotton bowls my sweet man gave me not long after we first started dating, 30A coasters, Lysol wipes (because I'm a germ-a-phob ha.) and a mountain of cds, was all I had left. Talk about depressing.

But sometimes we need a good jolt to knock us out of the lax frame of mind we sometimes fall into. It took this accident for me to realize that I am truly not in control. Let me say that again, I am not in control! I've prayed many times, "I want to hand the reigns over to you now..." or "I'm gonna step out of the way.." but it took this accident for me to realize my life is 100% in God's hands. What a blessing that is!

Our Father loves us so much that He took on the weight of the world...every worry, every stress, every insecurity, every sin... and simply put, took control. He only asks that you step out of the way and let Him take it from here.

Now if you're anything like me, that might seem near impossible. You see, I'm a plan-ahead-er. I like to plan accordingly so no unexpected surprises come along. So I'm ashamed to say when I asked this of God, to take the reigns over my life, I never truly let Him. It took the Lord's intervention on my heart (and psych to be honest), in the midst of the worst accident I've ever been apart of... to open my eyes and realize how important it is to let the Lord take hold of my life.

My friend, won't you do the same? Won't you join me in this new season of life? Let's together die to our old selves and wholeheartedly, let go!

Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Thank you Lord, for letting us enter into this new season with you. I pray that you be with us now as we let go to our old selves and be reborn in you. Father, I pray you give us new eyes to see, just as you see, and new hearts to love others, just as you love us. As we get ready for this day, let it be a constant reminder to us to step back and let you take control in all that we do. -Amen.

Until next time :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


"In The Beginning..."

It's how the most romantic love story of all time began. And of course it is how I should proudly begin this new journey with you. It is my sincerest hope that you will feel right at home on this little blog of mine.

A little about me...

I'm from a place where the tea is always sweet. Strangers smile at one another. You will always run into someone at the grocery store, so quick trips for milk after the gym are out of the question. Farmer's Markets are every Saturday, and I guarantee you won't make it home without sampling the fresh baked goods. Family is where your heart is. Babies get kissed every Sunday morning at church from little old ladies who can't help but give them some sugar. Where the smell of fresh cut grass lingers, and laughter is the best medicine.

You guessed it. This Mississippi girl is from Smalltown, USA in the heart of the Bible Belt, and y'all I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I'm blessed beyond compare with the best family a girl could ask for. How'd I get so lucky, you ask? Simply put, by the grace of God.

I turn another year older on the 14th of July. And I'm a mother to the most beautiful fur baby alive. Sorry I'm a tad prejudice. Here she is.. MISS AMERICA.

Layla is a schnauzer-mix that my best friend/boyfriend, Jordan (of course I'll introduce you in due time), and I adopted almost two years ago. We were out on the lake for her first time in that picture! One happy pup. And just in case you were wondering, why yes, that is a life jacket! haha. She's the most beautiful thing in the world to me. I can't imagine the love I will have for my own child one day, but I can't help but think it has to be pretty close to the way I feel about her.

Ok, so now you know just a smidge about me. Don't worry, more will come.

I want to take a second and pray over this blog. That the words that I type may be pleasing to you, Lord. I want to open my heart, no matter what season I am in, to telling others of your love and your mercy. -Amen

I am basing my blog from this verse.
Won't you memorize it with me?

Luke 10:2
So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into His fields.

I want to encourage you, and ask for encouragement, to be a worker for the Lord every day!

Until next time :)